Notice is hereby given that the Downtown Vernon Association is holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 17, 2022 at the Elks Lodge #45, 3103 30 St at noon. All members are invited and welcome to attend. Pre-registration for attendance is required and a small lunch will be provided.
Items on the agenda requiring a vote:
- Report from Chair
- Approval of Minutes from 2021 AGM
- Approval of the Annual Report and Financial Statements
- Election of directors: Sunny Gakhal, Randene Wejr
- Re-election of directors: James Fradley
- General business
- Revision of Bylaw (as below)
(7.13) Ceasing to be a Director
A Person will immediately and automatically cease to be a Director:
Change from
(a) Upon the date which is the later of:
- Upon the date which is the earlier of:
To register for this event, please go to the following link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/downtown-vernon-association-annual-general-meeting-agm-tickets-325197954837 or contact the Downtown Vernon Association at info@downtownvernon.com.