There’s a small chance we’re biased but we think downtown Vernon is one of the most beautiful places in the Okanagan Valley! With over 550 businesses spread over 46 blocks, we’re confident you’ll find at least three things to keep you coming back for more. Did you know Vernon has one of the largest mural collections in all of BC? That’s right, there are 27 of them. All of them located downtown. With so much to do and see, and so much more to discover, we want your ideas on how to take downtown Vernon to the next level.
What’s the best part about downtown Vernon to you? Tell us about your favourite thing(s) AND how you would spend $500 to beautify downtown and if your story is selected, you will win $250 downtown dollars and the DVA will implement your plan! Submit your concept to by the end of the month (April/May/June) and we’ll announce the winner the first week of the following month. One winner per month. Then the DVA will get to work on making your $500 beautification plan a reality!